The database should be constituted by 2022.
This European Union project is designed based on a <massive database> of biometric data, voted and approved in 2019, the project implementation speeds up. Two French companies, IDEMIA and Sopra Steria, were chosen to constitute this shared database between the union’s countries. A complex task to be executed, since the gathering of biometric data – fingerprints and photos – of more than 400 million people who cross European borders in the Schengen zone. An amount of 302 Million Euros were allocated by the EU for the project.
The main objective of the massive database is to improve <data exchange between information systems in EU to control and secure borders and migrations>. By centralizing the information, it will not be necessary anymore to verify in different databases as Eurodac (European fingerprint register for asylum seekers) or the VIS (Information system for visas) the identity of a person. one centralized database will be more complete and efficient.
Customs, legal authorities and police will have access to this new system to search information about people through their names, fingerprint or photos. The biometric database has a key function in the new European system of borders entries and exits. The system is here to replace the stamp on passports and to register the date and place of entry and exit of people – with a temporary stay visa up to 90 days-, also to register their identity documents.
The biometric system to be share will be one of the most important in the world, because of its integration with different database already existing and with upcoming databases, says the EU in a press release.
An Unique Target
The gathering of biometric data of 400 million people in an unique database raises many problems, one of them is notably the respect to all data privacy terms, interoperability of databases and also aspects of security. Statewatch, an ONG that monitor the states, the justice and interior affairs, the security and civilian liberties in Europe, is against the project.
In parallel , the mega database could make the job easier for hackers and cyber attack that now have a single target, and not multiple sensible databases. The centralization of data can be an giant issues in case of data breach, flaws or security bug. 400 million people’s personal information could be exposed and robbed.
The system project is shared by biometric correspondences (sBMS) and will be done in 2022. This timeline gives time to EU and the two French firms to polish all the details. Two main issues appear as crucial until the deadline time, the respect of data privacy terms inside a shared database and the security of the database itself that protects the data.
Source: Inspired of Jennifer Mertens for 20 Minutes