Our videos about biometrics and Idemia (ex.Safran Morpho)’s devices

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MorphoWave™ SP MorphoWave™ XP 

Two versions of the MorphoWave™ contactless fingerprint scanner.

On the move biometrics

Explore the complete biometric range of contactless terminals by the world leader IDEMIA.

ID Screen

Third generation of multi-application biometric tablet from the world leader IDEMIA.


Contactless biometrics – The ultimate facial recognition access control device 2D & 3D – IP65 & IK08 – Face Mask Detection embedded

MorphoTablet™ 2i

Harnessing the power of 3 biometrics for mobile enrolment, authentication and identification

MorphoWave Compact

IDEMIA introduce its brand new biometric terminal for frictionless access everywhere

MorphoAccess SIGMA Extreme

Safran Identity & Security introduce its brand new biometric terminal for harsh operating conditions

MorphoWave & dFlow

Safran Identity & Security partnership : secure, frictionless, high throughput access solution

MorphoTablet 2

Safran introduces its second generation biometric tablet

MorphoWave contacless payment

MorphoWave use to secure and make payment easier

MorphoWave Demo

MorphoWave Tower introduction and trophy awards


Use case of the MorphoTablet, first mobile biometric device from Safran Identity & Security. Mobile time clock for construction site

MorphoAccess Sigma Lite Series

Slim and powerful fingerprint access control terminal, compatible with Morpho and Bioscrypt existing installations
Embedded Web Server


Secure biometric tablet for trusted services

Safran Group

Morpho is a subsidiary of Safran, dedicated to technological innovation

Spirit of the workteam


Here is a smart presentation of the MorphoWave.

Technology: identification of 4 fingerprints simultaneously, “on the fly”

Morpho Argus®

Here is a presentation of the Morpho Argus®.

Technology: face capture in a surveillance video flow

Driver Monitoring

Here is a presentation of the alliance between Valeo and Idemia (ex.Safran Morpho)

Technology: face recognition in cars

Morpho 3D Face reader

Here is a presentation of the Morpho 3D Face reader.

Technology: face recognition

Finger On The Fly

Technology : fingerprints “on the fly”, contacless.

MorphoAccess Sigma Series – Wide

Technology : fingerprint, face detection, NFC, fke finger detection, etc… and so much more.

MorphoAccess VP

Technology : fingerprint and vein


Technology : mobile device with fingerprint recognition

Morpho IAD (Iris At a Distance)

Technology : iris recognition system


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Idemia (ex.Safran Morpho)

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